Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Kamae 1 - Yoi

Kamae is the state and posture of readiness adopted before, during and after (see zanshin) the execution of techniques, be it in combat or kata.  There are various readiness postures that combine different stances and hand positions. The basic kamae is in musubi dachi, with the left hand placed on top of the right hand, palms down and covering the groin area.

Note: To correctly execute the yoi hand position, turn the palm of the right hand up and place the first knuckle of the middle finger over the center of the left palm. Then bring the hands into contact and turn both simultaneously inwards so that the palms are facing down. This will attain a symmetry and balance of hands and, therefore, posture. 

(And remember to tuck your thumbs in - I couldn't when the photos were taken due to injury!) 

This basic kamae musubidachi, created by Miyagi Chojun Sensei after years of study, is designed to enable one to move quickly into any defensive or attacking action.  Concentration is placed on tensing the muscles in the lower abdomen (seika tanden) while relaxing those in the shoulders, the focus of the mind remaining clear and unattached.

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